Themes People Talks Sponsors Publications Collaborator's Publications Bibliography
We work on visualizing and quantifying data collected by diffusion-weighted MRI scans, typically of the human brain. DW-MRI measures properties of water self-diffusion in a chosen set of directions, which may be used to infer the structure of the brain's white matter. Our visualization system for diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can display brain models in various graphics environments, including the Cave and fishtank VR systems in addition to the standard desktop. Clinical collaborators use our system to discover features and patterns in DTI datasets correlated with disease.
2021 | |
[Cabeen et al., 2021] Ryan Cabeen, Arthur W Toga, and David H. Laidlaw. Tractography Processing with the Sparse Closest Point Transform. Neuroinformatics, 19(2):367--378, 2021. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2021-TPS). |
2020 | |
[Cabeen et al., 2020] Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, and AW Toga. Stick Stippling for Joint 3D Visualization of Diffusion MRI Fiber Orientations and Density. In Proceedings of MICCAI CDMRI Workshop, 2020. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2020-SSJ). |
[Cabeen et al., 2020] Ryan Cabeen, Arthur W Toga, and David H. Laidlaw. Tractography Processing with the Sparse Closest Point Transform. Neuroinformatics, pages 1--12, 2020. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2020-TPS). |
2019 | |
[Chen et al., 2019] Jian Chen, Guohao Zhang Wesley Chiou, David H. Laidlaw, and A. P. Aachus. Measuring the Effects of Scalar and Spherical Colormaps on Ensembles of DMRI Tubes. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, pages 1--1, Feb 2019. (pdf) (bibtex: Chen-2019-MES). |
[Garcia-Egan et al., 2019] Paola M Garcia-Egan, Rebecca Preston-Campbell, Lauren E Salminen, Jodi M Heaps-Woodruff, Lila Balla, Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, Thomas E Conturo, and Robert H Paul. Behavioral inhibition corresponds to white matter fiber bundle integrity in older adults. Brain imaging and behavior, 13(6):1602--1611, 2019. (pdf) (bibtex: Garcia-2019-BIC). |
2018 | |
[Cabeen et al., 2018] Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, Amanda Ruggieri, and Daniel P Dickstein. Preliminary mapping of the structural effects of age in pediatric bipolar disorder with multimodal MR imaging. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2018. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2018-PMS). |
2017 | |
[Baker et al., 2017] Laurie M. Baker, Sarah A. Cooley, Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, John A. Joska, Jacqueline Hoare, Dan J. Stein, Jodi M. Heaps-Woodruff, Lauren E Salminen, and Robert H. Paul. Topological organization of whole-brain white matter in HIV infection. Brain connectivity, March 2017. (pdf) (bibtex: Baker-2017-TOW). |
[Baker et al., 2017] Laurie M. Baker, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Erbil Akbudak, Thomas E Conturo, Stephen Correia, David F. Tate, Jodi M Heaps-Woodruff, Mathew R Brier, Jacob Bolzenius, Lauren E Salminen, Elizabeth M Lane, Amanda R McMichael, and Robert H Paul. Cognitive reserve moderates the relationship between neuropsychological performance and white matter fiber bundle length in healthy older adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior, June 2017. (pdf) (bibtex: Baker-2017-CRM). |
[Heaps-Woodruff et al., 2017] Jodi M Heaps-Woodruff, John Joska, Ryan Cabeen, Laurie M. Baker, Lauren E Salminen, Jacqueline Hoare, David H. Laidlaw, Rachel Wamser-Nanney, Chun-Zi Peng, Susan Engelbrecht, Sorava Seedat, Dan J Stein, and Robert H Paul. White matter fiber bundle lengths are shorter in cART naive HIV: an analysis of quantitative diffusion tractography in South Africa. Brain Imaging and Behavior, June 2017. (pdf) (bibtex: Heaps-2017-WMF). |
[Obafemi-Ajayi et al., 2017] Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Khalid Al-Jabery, Lauren Salminen, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Donald Wunsch, and Robert Paul. Neuroimaging biomarkers of cognitive decline in healthy older adults via unified learning. pages 1--9,, 2017,. (bibtex: Obafemi-2017-NBC). |
[Salminen et al., 2017] Lauren E. Salminen, Peter R Schofield, Kerrie D Piere, Steven E Bruce, Michael G Griffin, David F. Tate, Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, Thomas E Conturo, Jacob D Bolzenius, and Robert H. Paul. Vulnerability of white matter tracts and cognition to the SOD2 polymorphism: A preliminary study of antioxidant defense genes in brain aging. Behavioral Brain Research, June 2017. (pdf) (bibtex: Salminen-2017-VWM). |
2016 | |
[Baker et al., 2016] Laurie M. Baker, Ryan Cabeen, Sarah Cooley, David H. Laidlaw, and Robert H. Paul. Application of a Novel Quantitative Tractography-based Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Examine Fiber Bundle Length In Human Cerebral White Matter. Technology & Innovation, May 2016. (pdf) (bibtex: Baker-2016-ANQ). |
[Paul et al., 2016] Robert H. Paul, Sarah Phillips, Jacqueline Hoare, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Gayla R. Olbricht, Yuqing Su, Dan J. Stein, Susan Engelbrecht, Sorava Seedat, Lauren E. Salminen, Laurie M. Baker, Jodi Heaps, and John Joska. Neuroimaging abnormalities in clade C HIV are independent of Tat genetic diversity. Journal of NeuroVirology, 2016. (pdf) (bibtex: Paul-2016-NAC). |
2015 | |
[Cabeen et al., 2015] Ryan Cabeen, Mark E Bastin, and David H. Laidlaw. Kernel Regression Estimation of Fiber Orientation Mixtures in Diffusion MRI. NeuroImage, 127:158--172, 2016. (bibtex: Cabeen-2015-KRE). |
[Dickie et al., 2015] David Alexander Dickie, Shadia Mikhael, Dominic E. Job, Joanna M. Wardlaw, David H. Laidlaw, and Mark Bastin. Permutation and parametric tests for effect sizes in voxel-based morphormetry of grey matter volume in brain structural MRI. In Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2015. (pdf) (bibtex: Dickie-2015-PPT). |
[Piper et al., 2015] Rory J. Piper, Shadia Mikhael, Joanna M. Wardlaw, David H. Laidlaw, Ian R. Whittle, , and Mark E. Bastin. Imaging signatures of meningioma and low-grade glioma: a diffusion tensor, magnetization transfer and quantitative longitudinal relaxation time MRI study. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2015. (pdf) (bibtex: Piper-2015-ISM). |
[Salminen et al., 2015] Lauren E. Salminen, Thomas Conturo, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Erbil Akbudak, Elizabeth Lane, Jodi Heaps, Jacob Bolzenius, Laurie Baker, Sarah Cooley, Staci Scott, Lee Cagle, Sarah Phillips, and Robert H. Paul. Regional age differences in gray matter diffusivity among healthy older adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior, April 2015. |
[Salminen et al., 2015] Lauren E. Salminen, Peter R. Schofield, Kerrie D. Pierce, Thomas E. Conturo, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Jacob D. Bolzenius, Laurie M. Baker, Xi Luo, Erbil Akbudakd, and Robert H. Paul. Genetic markers of cholesterol transport and gray matter diffusion: A preliminary study of the CETP I405V polymorphism. Journal of Neural Transmission, pages 1--12, August 2015. (bibtex: Salminen-2015-GMC). |
[Salminen et al., 2015] Lauren Salminen, Peter Schofield, Kerrie Pierce, Yi Zhao, Xi Luo, Youdan Wang, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Thomas Conturo, David Tate, Erbil Akbudak, Elizabeth Lane, Jodi Heaps, Jacob Bolzenius, Laurie Baker, Lee Cagle, and Robert Paul. Neuromarkers of the common angiotensinogen polymorphism in healthy older adults: A comprehensive assessment of white matter integrity and cognition. Behavioural Brain Research, August 2015. (pdf) (bibtex: Salminen-2015-NCA). |
2014 | |
[Baker et al., 2014] Laurie M. Baker, David H. Laidlaw, Thomas E. Conturo, Joseph Hogan, Yi Zhao, Xi Luo, Stephen Correia, Ryan Cabeen, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Jacob Bolzenius, Lauren E. Salminen, Erbil Akbudak, Amanda R. McMichael, Christina Usher, Ashley Behrman, and Robert H. Paul. White matter changes with age utilizing quantitative diffusion MRI. Neurology, June 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Baker-2014-WMC). |
[Behrman et al., 2014] Ashley M. Behrman, Christina Usher, Thomas E. Conturo, Stephen Correia, David H. Laidlaw, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jacob Bolzenius, Jodi M. Heaps, Lauren E. Salminen, Laurie M. Baker, Ryan Cabeen, Erbil Akbudak, Xi Luo, Peisi Yan, and Robert H. Paul. Fiber bundle length and cognition: A length-based tractography MRI study. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Behrman-2014-FBL). |
[Bolzenius et al., 2014] Jacob D. Bolzenius, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Thomas E. Conturo, Amanda R. McMichael, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Lauren E. Salminen, Laurie M. Baker, Staci E. Scott, Sarah A. Cooley, John Gunstad, and Robert H. Paul. Brain structure and cognitive correlates of body mass index in healthy older adults. Behavioral Brain Research, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Bolzenius-2014-BSC). |
[Cabeen et al., 2014] Ryan Cabeen, Mark E. Bastin, and David H. Laidlaw. Reproducibility of an Automated Regional Analysis of White Matter with Diffusion Imaging . In Proc. of the OHBM, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2014-RAR). |
[Cabeen and Laidlaw, 2014] Ryan Cabeen and David H. Laidlaw. Bilateral Filtering of Multiple Fiber Orientations in Diffusion MRI. In Proceedings of MICCAI Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2014-BFM). |
[Cabeen and Laidlaw, 2014] Ryan Cabeen and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion Tractography of the Corticospinal Tract with Multi-fiber Orientation Filtering. In Proceedings of MICCAI DTI Tractography Challenge, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2014-DTC). |
[Chen et al., 2014] Jian Chen, Haipeng Cai, Alexander P. Auchus, and David H. Laidlaw. Gryphon: A Little Domain-Specific Programming Language for Diffusion MRI Visualizations. In Handbook of Human Centric Visualization, pages 41-61. Springer New York, 2014,. (bibtex: Chen-2014-GLD). |
[Cooley et al., 2014] Sarah A. Cooley, Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Jacob D. Bolzenius, Laurie M. Baker, Lauren E. Salminen, Staci E. Scott, and Robert H. Paul. Posterior brain white matter abnormalities in older adults with probable mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Cooley-2014-PBW). |
[Dickie et al., 2014] David Alexander Dickie, Dominic E. Job, Joanna M. Wardlaw, David H. Laidlaw, and Mark Bastin. Evidence of non-normal distributions in brain imaging data from normal subjects: implications for diagnosis of disease. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2014. (pdf) (bibtex: Dickie-2014-END). |
2013 | |
[Bolzenius et al., 2013] Jacob D. Bolzenius, David H. Laidlaw, Ryan Cabeen, Thomas E. Conturo, Amanda R. McMichael, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Lauren E. Salminen, Laurie M. Baker, John Gunstad, and Robert H. Paul. Impact of body mass index on neuronal fiber bundle lengths among healthy older adults. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2013. (bibtex: Bolzenius-2013-IBM). |
[Cabeen et al., 2013] Ryan Cabeen, Mark Bastin, and David H. Laidlaw. A Diffusion MRI Resource of 80 Age-varied Subjects with Neuropsychological and Demographic Measures. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2013-DMR). |
[Cabeen et al., 2013] Ryan Cabeen, Mark Bastin, and David H. Laidlaw. Atlas-based multi-direction tractography using tensor registration and orientation statistics . In Proceedings of the OHBM, 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2013-AMT). |
[Cabeen et al., 2013] Ryan Cabeen, Mark Bastin, and David H. Laidlaw. Estimating Constrained Multi-fiber Diffusion MR Volumes by Orientation Clustering. In Proceedings of MICCAI, 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2013-ECM). |
[Cabeen and Laidlaw, 2013] Ryan Cabeen and David H. Laidlaw. White Matter Supervoxel Segmentation by Axial DP-means Clustering. In Proceedings of Workshop on Medical Computer Vision, MICCAI, 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2013-WMS). |
[Cai et al., 2013] Haipeng Cai, Jian Chen, Alexander P. Auchus, and David H. Laidlaw. Composing DTI Visualizations with End-user Programming. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.2923, 2013. |
[Guo et al., 2013] Hua Guo, Arthur Yidi, Steven R. Gomez, Mark J. Schnitzer, David Badre, and David H. Laidlaw. Toward a Visual Interface for Brain Connectivity Analysis. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1761-1766, 2013. (bibtex: Guo-2013-TVI). |
[Salminen et al., 2013] Lauren E. Salminen, Peter R. Schofield, Elizabeth M. Lane, Jodi M. Heaps, Kerrie D. Pierce, Ryan Cabeen, David H. Laidlaw, Erbil Akbudak, Thomas E. Conturo, Stephen Correia, , and Robert H. Paul. Neuronal fiber bundle lengths in healthy adult carriers of the ApoE4 allele: A quantitative tractography DTI study . Brain Imaging and Behavior, 7(3):274-281, September 2013. (bibtex: Salminen-2013-NFB). |
[Zhou et al., 2013] Wenjin Zhou, Edward Walsh, and David H. Laidlaw. DoubleAx: In-vivo Axom Measurement in the Human Corpus Callosum Using Angular Double-PFG MRI. In Proceedings of OHBM, 2013. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2013-DIA). |
2012 | |
[Cabeen et al., 2012] Ryan Cabeen, Daniel Dickstein, and David H. Laidlaw. Characterization of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder with Quantitative HARDI Tractography Metrics. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2012. (pdf) (bibtex: Cabeen-2012-CPB). |
[Miles and Laidlaw, 2012] Jadrian Miles and David H. Laidlaw. Predicting DTI Tractography Uncertainty from Diffusion-Weighted-Image Noise. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2012. (pdf) (bibtex: Miles-2012-PDT). |
2011 | |
[Cai et al., 2011] Haipeng Cai, Jian Chen, A P Aachus, J Huang, and David H. Laidlaw. Measuring Seeding Resolution Dependence of Diffusion Tensor Streamtube Visualization. In IEEE Visualization 2011 Poster Compendium, 2011. (bibtex: Cai-2011-MSR). |
[Gongvatana et al., 2011] Assawin Gongvatana, Ronald Cohen, Stephen Correia, Kathryn N. Devlin, Jadrian Miles, Hakmook Kang, Hernando Ombao, Bradford Navia, David H. Laidlaw, and Karen T. Tashima. Clinical contributors to cerebral white matter integrity in HIV-infected individuals. Journal of Neurovirology, 17(5):477--486, 2011. (pdf) (bibtex: Gongvatana-2011-CCC). |
[Huang et al., 2011] J Huang, Jian Chen, H Cai, R P Friedland, M Z Koubeissi, David H. Laidlaw, and A P Auchus. Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography reveals altered brainstem fiber connections accompanying agenesis of the corpus callosum. Annals of Neurology (Suppl 15), 2011. (bibtex: Huang-2011-DTM). |
[Jianu et al., 2011] Radu Jianu, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Exploring brain connectivity with two-dimensional neural maps. IEEE TVCG, 2011. (pdf) (bibtex: Jianu-2011-EBJ). |
2010 | |
[Gongvatana et al., 2010] Assawin Gongvatana, Ronald A. Cohen, Stephen Correia, Kathryn N. Devlin, Jadrian Miles, Uraina S. Clark, Michelle Westbrook, George Hana, Hakmook Kang, Hernando Ombao, Bradford Davia, David H. Laidlaw, and Karen Tashima. Impact of Hepatitis C and HIV Coinfection on Cerebral White Matter Integrity. Neurology, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex: Gongvatana-2010-IHC). |
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[Halilaj et al., 2010] Eni Halilaj, Stephen Correia, David H. Laidlaw, and Steven Salloway. A Quantitative Tractography Approach for Exploring Associations between White Matter Pathways and Cognitive Functions. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex: Halilaj-2010-ISM). |
[Halilaj et al., 2010] Eni Halilaj, Stephen Correia, David H. Laidlaw, and salloway. A Quantitative Tractography Approach for Exploring Associations between White Matter Pathways and Cognitive Functions . In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2010. poster (pdf) (bibtex: Halilaj-2010-MRM). |
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[Jianu et al., 2010] Radu Jianu, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing and exploring tractograms via two-dimensional connectivity maps. In Proceedings of ISMRM'10, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex: Jianu-2010-VET). |
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[Zhou and Laidlaw, 2010] Wenjin Zhou and David H. Laidlaw. Inferring Axon Properties with double-PGSE MRI using Analytical Water Diffusion Model. In In Proceedings of ISMRM, chosen for podium talk, 2010. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2010-IAP). |
2009 | |
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[Demiralp et al., 2009] Cagatay Demiralp, John F. Hughes, and David H. Laidlaw. Coloring 3D Line Fields Using Boy's Real Projective Plane Immersion. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. Visualization '09), 15(6):1457-1463, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2009-CLF). |
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[Halilaj et al., 2009] Eni Halilaj, Cagatay Demiralp, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Quantitative Tractography Metrics of White Matter Integrity in Diffusion-Tensor MRI Using Diffusivity Scalars. In In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Halilaj-2009-ISM). |
[Jankun-Kelly et al., 2009] T. J. Jankun-Kelly, Song Zhang, A. C. Callan-Jones, Robert A. Pelcovits, V. A. Slavin, and David H. Laidlaw. Tensor Visualization and Defect Detection for Nematic Liquid Crystals using Shape Characteristics. In Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Advances and Perspectives, pages 213-238. Springer-Verlag, 2009. (bibtex: JankunKelly-2009-TVD). |
[Marai et al., 2009] G. Elisabeta Marai, Joseph J. Crisco, and David H. Laidlaw. Development of a kinematic 3D carpal model to analyze in vivo soft-tissue interaction across multiple static postures. Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pages 7176-7179, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Marai-2009-DK3). |
[Miles et al., 2009] Jadrian Miles, Ronald Cohen, and David H. Laidlaw. Tradeoffs in Supersampling of DTI Metrics. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2009. (bibtex: Miles-2009-TIS). |
[Zhou and Laidlaw, 2009] Wenjin Zhou and David H. Laidlaw. An Analytical Model of Diffusion and Exchange of Water in White Matter from Diffusion-MRI and its Application in Measuring Axon Radii. In Proceedings of ISMRM, chosen for podium talk, 2009. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2009-AAM). |
2008 | |
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[Correia et al., 2008] Stephen Correia, David H. Laidlaw, David Tate, Stephanie Lee, Thom Voorn, Robert Paul, Song Zhang, Steven Salloway, and Paul Malloy. Quantitative Tractography Metrics of White Matter Integrity in Diffusion Tensor MRI. Neuroimage, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Correia-2008-QTM). |
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[Demiralp et al., 2008] Cagatay Demiralp, Gregory Shakhnarovich, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. Slicing-based coherence measure for refining clusters of 3D curves. In Proceedings of MICCAI, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2008-SCM). |
[Demiralp et al., 2008] Cagatay Demiralp, John F. Hughes, and David H. Laidlaw. Using Boy's Real Projective Plane Immersion for Coloring DT-MRI Slices. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2008. (bibtex: Demiralp-2008-UBR). |
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[Epstein et al., 2008] S Epstein, Stephen Correia, A. MacKay-Brandt, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Superior longitudinal fasciculus and working memory in CADASIL. INS, 2008. (pdf) (doc) (bibtex: Epstein-2008-SLF). |
[Patel et al., 2008] K. Patel, Stephen Correia, J. Foley, E. Schlicting, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Steven Salloway. Grey and White Matter Changes on MRI and Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Cognitive Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment. INS, February 2008. Unknown (doc) (bibtex: Patel-2008-GWM). |
[Paul et al., 2008] Robert Paul, Stuart M. Grieve, Raymond Niaura, Sean P. David, David H. Laidlaw, Ronald Cohen, Lawrence Sweet, George Taylor, Clark C. Richard, Sakire Pogan, and Evian Gordon. Chronic cigarette smoking and the microstructural integrity of white matter in healthy adults: a diffusion tensor imaging study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 10(1):137-47, January 2008. (bibtex: Paul-2008-CCS). |
[Srinivas et al., 2008] M. Srinivas, M. S. Turner, P. A. Morel, J. M. Janjic, David H. Laidlaw, and Eric T. Ahrens. Longitudinal tracking and quantification of T cells using in vivo 19F MRI. In Proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance and Medicine, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Srinivas-2008-LTQ). |
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[Zhang et al., 2008] Song Zhang, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Identifying white-matter fiber bundles in DTI data using an automated proximity-based fiber-clustering method. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(5):1044-1053, Sept-Oct 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2008-IWF). |
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[Zhou et al., 2008] Wenjin Zhou, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Evaluation of Design Features in Interactive 3D Tracts-of-interest Selection Tools in DTI. IEEE Visualization 2008 Poster Compendium, 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2008-EDF). |
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[Zhou et al., 2008] Wenjin Zhou, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Haptics-Assisted 3D Lasso Drawing for Tracts-of-interest Selection in DTI Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2008 Poster Compendium (Best Poster Nominee), 2008. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2008-HAL). |
2007 | |
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[Clayden et al., 2007] J. D. Clayden, Song Zhang, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Fine-grained comparison of anisotropy differences between groups of white matter tracts. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Clayden-2007-FCA). |
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[Demiralp et al., 2007] Cagatay Demiralp, Daniel Acevedo, Song Zhang, David Tate, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Connectivity-aware sectional visualization of DTI volumes. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2007-CSV). |
[Grant et al., 2007] Jon E. Grant, Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Paul Malloy, David H. Laidlaw, and S. Charles Schulz. Frontal White Matter Integrity in Borderline Personality Disorder with Self-Injurious Behavior. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2007. In Press (doc) (bibtex: Grant-2007-FWM). |
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[Jianu et al., 2007] Doria Jianu, Wenjin Zhou, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing Spatial Relations Between 3D-DTI Integral Curves Using Texture Patterns. In IEEE Visualization Poster Compendium, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Jianu-2007-VSR). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 2007] David H. Laidlaw, Stephanie Lee, Stephen Correia, David Tate, Robert Paul, Song Zhang, Steven Salloway, and Paul Malloy. Quantitative Tract of Interest Metrics for White Matter Integrity based on Diffusion Tensor MRI Data. Views Radiology, 8(4):2-4, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2007-QTI). |
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[McLaughlin et al., 2007] Nicole C.R. McLaughlin, Robert Paul, Stuart M. Grieve, Leanne M. Williams, David H. Laidlaw, Margaret DiCarlo, Richard Clark, William Whelihan, Ronald Cohen, Thomas J. Whitford, and Evian Gordon. Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Corpus Callosum: A Cross-Sectional Study Across the Lifespan. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 25(4):215-221, June 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: McLaughlin-2007-DTI). |
[Patel et al., 2007] K. Patel, Stephen Correia, J. Foley, E. Schlicting, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Steven Salloway. Cognitive Impairment, Hippocampal Volume, and White Matter Integrity in CADASIL. In Proceedings of INS, 2007. (bibtex: Patel-2007-CIH). |
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[Paul et al., 2007] Robert H. Paul, David H. Laidlaw, David F. Tate, Stephanie Lee, Karin Hoth, John Gunstad, Song Zhang, Jeffrey Lawrence, and Tim Flanigan. Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Outcome of HIV-associated Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in the Era of Antiretroviral Therapy. Journal of Integrative Neurocience, 6(1):191-204, March 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Paul-2007-NNO). |
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[Srinivas et al., 2007] Mangala Srinivas, Penelope A. Morel, Lauren A. Ernst, David H. Laidlaw, and Eric T. Ahrens. Fluorine-19 MRI for visualization and quantification of cell migration in a diabetes model. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 58:725-734, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Srinivas-2007-FMV). |
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[Zhang et al., 2007] Song Zhang, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Template-based Automatic DTI Fiber Bundle Labeling. In Proceedings of ISMRM, 2007. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2007-TAD). |
2006 | |
[Correia et al., 2006] Stephen Correia, Stephanie Lee, Paul Malloy, Neil Mehta, Song Zhang, Steven Salloway, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion-Tensor MRI Tractography Methods for Assessing White Matter Health and Its Relationship to Cognitive Functioning. In Proceedings of the International Neurophisiological Society, Boston, February 2006. (doc) (bibtex: Correia-2006-DTM). |
[Correia et al., 2006] Stephen Correia, Stephanie Lee, Song Zhang, Paul Malloy, Steven Salloway, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion-tensor imaging tractography: Correlation with processing speed in aging. In Abstracts Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders (BEST POSTER AWARD), pages Abstract P2-270, 2006. (ppt) (bibtex: Correia-2006-DTI). |
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[Demiralp et al., 2006] Cagatay Demiralp, Song Zhang, David Tate, Stephen Correia, and David H. Laidlaw. Connectivity-aware sectional visualization of 3D DTI volumes using perceptual flat-torus coloring and edge rendering. In Proceedings of Eurographics, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2006-CSV). |
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[Lee et al., 2006] Stephanie Lee, Stephen Correia, David Tate, Robert Paul, Song Zhang, Steven Salloway, Paul Malloy, and David H. Laidlaw. Quantitative Tract-of-Interest Metrics for White-Matter Integrity Based on Diffusion Tensor MRI Data. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Lee-2006-QTM). |
[Malloy et al., 2006] Paul Malloy, Stephen Correia, Glenn Stebbins, and David H. Laidlaw. Neuroimaging of White Matter in Aging and Dementia. The Clinical Neuropsychologist: Special Issue on New Technologies, Invited Manuscript, 2006. In Press (bibtex: Malloy-2006-NWM). |
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[Simon et al., 2006] Jack H. Simon, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, David E. Miller, Mark Brown, John Corboy, and Jeffrey Bennett. Identification of Fibers at Risk for Degeneration by Diffusion Tractography in Patients at High Risk for MS after a Clinically Isolated Syndrome. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, October 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Simon-2006-IFR). |
[Tate et al., 2006] David Tate, Robert Paul, Kathryn Coop, Timothy Flanigan, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Karen Tashima. Altered Diffision Scalar Metrics in the Midsagittal Corpus Callosum are Associated with Cognition Among HIV Patients. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Los Angeles, CA, 2006. (html) (bibtex: Tate-2006-ADS). |
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[Zhang et al., 2006] Song Zhang, Stephen Correia, David F. Tate, and David H. Laidlaw. Correlating DTI fiber clusters with white-matter anatomy. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2006-CDC). |
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[Zhang, 2006] Song Zhang. Revealing White Matter Fiber Structure with Diffusion Imaging. PhD thesis, Brown University, August 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2006-RWM). |
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[Zhou et al., 2006] Wenjin Zhou, Peter G. Sibley, Song Zhang, David Tate, and David H. Laidlaw. Perceptual Coloring and 2D Sketching for Segmentation of Neural Pathways. Siggraph 2006, Poster Compendium (BEST POSTER AWARD), August 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhou-2006-PCS). |
2005 | |
[Correia et al., 2005] Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Executive Function in Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. In International Neuropsychological Society conference, February 2005. (ppt) (bibtex: Correia-2005-DTI). |
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[Correia et al., 2005] Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Erin Schlicting, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-tensor imaging in vascular cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment: relationship with executive functioning. In Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the International Society for Vascular, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders, Florence, Italy, June 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Correia-2005-DTV). |
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[Kaufman et al., 2005] Jason A. Kaufman, Eric T. Ahrens, David H. Laidlaw, Song Zhang, and John M. Allman. Anatomical analysis of an aye-aye brain (Daubentonia madagascariensis, primates: Prosimii) combining histology, structural magnetic resonance imaging, and diffusion-tensor imaging. Anatomical Record, 287A(1):1026-1037, November 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Kaufman-2005-AAA). |
[Salloway et al., 2005] Steven Salloway, Stephen Correia, Paul Malloy, William Heindel, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion-Tensor Imaging: Frontal Executive Function in Vascular Cognitive Impairement. In Collaborative for Translational Brain Research Symposium, April 2005. (ppt) (bibtex: Salloway-2005-DTI). |
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[Simon et al., 2005] Jack H. Simon, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, D. E. Miller, M. Brown, J. Corboy, D. Singel, and J. Bennett. Strategy for Detecting Neuronal Fibers at Risk for Neurodegeneration In Earliest MS by Streamtube Tractography at 3T. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Miami, FL, May 2005. (pdf) (ppt) (bibtex: Simon-2005-SDN). |
[Simon et al., 2005] Jack H. Simon, John Corboy, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualization of Fibers at Risk for Neuronal Tract Degeneration in Early MS by Streamtube Diffusion Tractography. Platform Presentation at the Academy of Neurology, Miami, FL, April 2005. (bibtex: Simon-2005-VFR). |
[Tate et al., 2005] David Tate, J. Gunstad, Robert Paul, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Ronald Cohen. Fractional Anisotropy in Subcortical White Matter Regions of Interest Among Cardiovascular Patients. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Miami, FL, May 2005. (ppt) (bibtex: Tate-2005-FAS). |
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[Vilanova et al., 2005] A. Vilanova, Song Zhang, G. Kindlmann, and David H. Laidlaw. An Introduction to Visualization of Diffusion Tensor Imaging and its Applications. In Visualization and Image Processing of Tensor Fields. Springer-Verlag, 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Vilanova-2005-IVD). |
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[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2005] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. DTI Fiber Clustering and Cross-subject Cluster Analysis. In Proceedings International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Miami, FL, May 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2005-DFC). |
2004 | |
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[Acevedo et al., 2004] Daniel Acevedo, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Chris Bull. Color Rapid Prototyping for Diffusion Tensor MRI Visualization. In Proceedings of MICCAI 2004 Short Papers, September 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Acevedo-2004-CRP). |
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[Ahrens et al., 2004] Eric T. Ahrens, J.M.Allman, E.Bush, David H. Laidlaw, and Song Zhang. Comparative 3D Anatomy of the Prosimian Brain:DTI and Histological Studies. In Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Ahrens-2004-CAP). |
[Brennan-Krohn et al., 2004] Thea Brennan-Krohn, Stephen Correia, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Executive Function in Subcortical Vascular Disease. In Workshop on aging connections: Advanced MRI of age related white matter changes in the brain. ISMRM, 2004. (bibtex: Brennan-2004-DTI). |
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[Correia et al., 2004] Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-Tensor Imaging and Executive Function in Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment. In Proceedings of the International Neurophisiological Society, 2004. (pdf) (doc) (bibtex: Correia-2004-DIE). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 2004] David H. Laidlaw, Song Zhang, Mark Bastin, Stephen Correia, Steven Salloway, and Paul Malloy. Ramifications of Isotropic Sampling and Acquisition Orientation on DTI Analyses. In Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2004-RIS). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 2004] David H. Laidlaw, Song Zhang, Mark Bastin, Stephen Correia, Steven Salloway, and Paul Malloy. Ramifications of Isotropic Sampling and Acquisition Orientation on DTI Analyses. Poster for Research Day at Butler Hospital, Providence, RI, 2004. (pdf) (ppt) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2004-RIA). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 2004] David H. Laidlaw, davidkremers, A.W. Toga, Fritz Drury, and Russell E. Jacobs. Applying Lessons from Visual Art to Exploration of the Brain. Panel in Thirty-Seventh Annual Winter Conference on Brain Research, January 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2004-ALV). |
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[Wenger et al., 2004] Andreas Wenger, Daniel Keefe, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. Interactive Volume Rendering of Thin Thread Structures within Multivalued Scientific Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(6):664-672, November/December 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Wenger-2004-IVR). |
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[Zhang et al., 2004] Song Zhang, Mark Bastin, David H. Laidlaw, Saurabh Sinha, Paul A. Armitage, and Thomas S. Deisboeck. Visualization and Analysis of White Matter Structural Asymmetry in Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging Data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 51(1):140-147, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-VAW). |
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[Zhang et al., 2004] Song Zhang, Gordon Kindlmann, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion Tensor MRI Visualization. In Visualization Handbook. Academic Press, June 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-DTM). |
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[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2004] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. A Model for some Subcortical DTI Planar and Linear Anisotropy. MICCAI 2004, September 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-MSS). |
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[Zhang et al., 2004] Song Zhang, Jack H. Simon, David H. Laidlaw, Mark Brown, and David M. Miller. Visualization of the Interaction of Multiple Sclerosis lesions with adjacent white matter fibers using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces. In IEEE Visualization Poster Compendium, October 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-VIM). |
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[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2004] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. DTI Fiber Clustering in the Whole Brain. IEEE Visualization 2004 Poster Compendium, October 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-DFC). |
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[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2004] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. Towards a Global Tractography-based Model of FA. In Workshop on aging connections: Advanded MRI of age related white matter changes in the brain. ISMRM, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2004-TGT). |
2003 | |
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[Demiralp et al., 2003] Cagatay Demiralp, David H. Laidlaw, Cullen Jackson, Daniel Keefe, and Song Zhang. Subjective Usefulness of CAVE and Fish Tank VR Display Systems for a Scientific Visualization Application. In IEEE Visualization Poster Compendium, Seattle, WA, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2003-SUC). |
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[Zhang et al., 2003] Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing Diffusion Tensor MR Images Using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9(4):454-462, October 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2003-VDT). |
2002 | |
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[DaSilva et al., 2002] Marco DaSilva, Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing the Differences between Diffusion Tensor Volume Images. In Proceedings ISMRM Workshop in Diffusion MRI: Biophysical Issues, pages 237-238, March 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: DaSilva-2002-VDD). |
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[Zhang et al., 2002] Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Mark Bastin, Saurabh Sinha, and Thomas S. Deisboeck. Application of DTI Visualization and Analysis on a Data Set from a Brain Tumor Patient. In IEEE Visualization Poster Compendium, October 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2002-AOD). |
[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2002] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. Hierarchical Clustering of Streamtubes. Technical Report CS-02-18, Brown University Computer Science Department, August 2002. (bibtex: Zhang-2002-HCO). |
2001 | |
[Ahrens et al., 2001] Eric T. Ahrens, David Dubowitz, and David H. Laidlaw. Peripheral Somatosensory fMRI in Mouse at 11.7 Tesla. In Proceedings of ISMRM, Glasgow, Scotland, 2001. (bibtex: Ahrens-2001-PSF). |
[Ahrens et al., 2001] Eric T. Ahrens, D. J. Dubowitz, and David H. Laidlaw. FMRI in mouse at 11.7 Tesla. In Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 9th Scientific Meeting, Berkeley, CA, 2001. (bibtex: Ahrens-2001-FMT). |
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[DaSilva et al., 2001] Marco DaSilva, Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing Diffusion Tensor Volume Differences. In Visualization '01 Work in Progress Proceedings, pages 16-17, October 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: DaSilva-2001-VDT). |
[Jacobs et al., 2001] Russell E. Jacobs, David H. Laidlaw, G. Burns, R. Moats, and A. Toga. Multimodal Multidimensional Digital Develomental Atlas of Mouse Brain. In Winter Conference on Brain Research. Panel Session, January 2001. (bibtex: Jacobs-2001-MMD). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 2001] David H. Laidlaw, Kurt Fleischer, and Alan Barr. Partial-Volume Bayesian Classification with Voxel Histograms. In Handbook of Medical Image Processing, pages 195-211. Academic Press, 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2001-PVB). |
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[Severance et al., 2001] Kurt Severance, Paul Brewster, Barry Lazos, and Daniel Keefe. Wind Tunnel Data Fusion and Visualization in an Immersive Environment: A Case Study. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pages 505-508, October 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Severance-2001-WTD). |
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[Zhang et al., 2001] Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, Daniel Keefe, Marco DaSilva, Benjamin D. Greenberg, Peter J. Basser, Carlo Pierpaoli, E. A. Chiocca, T. S. Deisboeck, and David H. Laidlaw. An Immersive Virtual Environment for DT-MRI Volume Visualization Applications: a Case Study. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pages 437-440, October 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2001-IVE). |
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[Zhang et al., 2001] Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, Marco DaSilva, Daniel Keefe, David H. Laidlaw, Benjamin D. Greenberg, Peter J. Basser, Carlo Pierpaoli, E.A. Chiocca, and T. S. Diesboeck. Toward Application of Virtual Reality to Visualization of DT-MRI Volumes. In Proceedings MICCAI, October 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2001-TAV). |
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[Zhang and Laidlaw, 2001] Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. Elucidating Neural Structure in Diffusion Tensor MRI Volumes using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces. In Proc. 9th International Society of MR in Medicine, April 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2001-ENS). |
2000 | |
[DaSilva et al., 2000] Marco DaSilva, David H. Laidlaw, and J. Michael Tyszka. Reducing Errors due to Partial-Volume Effects and Noise in Pressure Maps Calculated for MR Velocity Data. In Proc. 8th International Society for MR in Medicine, April 2000. (bibtex: DaSilva-2000-RED). |
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[Zhang et al., 2000] Song Zhang, Charles T. Curry, Daniel S. Morris, and David H. Laidlaw. Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces for Visualizing Diffusion Tensor MRI Volume Images. In Visualization '00 Work in Progress, October 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Zhang-2000-SSV). |
[Zhang et al., 2000] Song Zhang, Charles T. Curry, Daniel S. Morris, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing Diffusion Tensor MR Images Using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces. Poster at Human Brain Project Annual Meeting, NIH, Bethesda, MD, May 2000. (bibtex: Zhang-2000-VDT). |
1999 | |
[Ahrens et al., 1999] Eric T. Ahrens, David H. Laidlaw, Carol Readhead, and Scott E. Fraser. Investigating White Matter Diffusion Anisotropy Using the Desmyelinating Shiverer Mutant Mouse. In Proc. 7th International Society for MR in Medicine, May 1999. (bibtex: Laidlaw-1999-IWM). |
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[Jacobs et al., 1999] Russell E. Jacobs, Eric T. Ahrens, Mary E Dickinson, and David H. Laidlaw. Towards a MicroMRI Atlas of Mouse Development. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 23(1):15-24, January-February 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Jacobs-1999-TMA). |
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[Laidlaw, 1999] David H. Laidlaw. Continuous Bayesian Tissue Classification for Visualization Techniques. In Data Visualization Techniques, pages 107-129. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1999-CBT). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 1999] David H. Laidlaw, Kristen L. Cook, and Yuri M. Goldfeld. Evaluating Effects of Diffusion Weighting Choice on Accuracy of Diffusion Tensor MRI of Fixed Mouse Spinal Cord. In Proc. 7th International Society for MR in Medicine, Poster Session, May 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1999-EED). |
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[Laidlaw and Tyszka, 1999] David H. Laidlaw and J.Michael Tyszka. A Demonstration of Errors in Relative Pressure Calculations for MR Velocity Data. In Proc. 7th International Society for MR in Medicine, May 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1999-DER). |
1998 | |
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[Ahrens et al., 1998] Eric T. Ahrens, David H. Laidlaw, Carol Readhead, Celia F. Brosnan, and Scott E. Fraser. MR Microscopy of Transgenic Mice that Spontaneously Aquire Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 40(1):119-132, July 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Ahrens-1998-MMT). |
[Ahrens et al., 1998] Eric T. Ahrens, Scott E. Fraser, P. T. Narasimhan, Russell E. Jacobs, and David H. Laidlaw. Multi-valued MR Microscopy of the Embryonic Mouse Nervous System. In abstract and poster, ENC, 1998. (bibtex: Ahrens-1998-MVM). |
[Laidlaw et al., 1998] David H. Laidlaw, Eric T. Ahrens, davidkremers, Matthew J. Avalos, Carol Readhead, and Russell E. Jacobs. Visualizing Diffusion Tensor Images of the Mouse Spinal Cord. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 1998, pages 127-134. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1998-VDT). |
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[Laidlaw et al., 1998] David H. Laidlaw, Kurt W. Fleischer, and Alan H. Barr. Partial-Volume Bayesian Classification of Material Mixtures in MR Volume Data Using Voxel Histograms. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. Also reprinted in 2000 yearbook of Medical Informatics, International Medical Informatics Assoc., Shattauer, 2000., 17(1):74-86, February 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1998-PVB). |
[Laidlaw et al., 1998] David H. Laidlaw, Eric T. Ahrens, Matthew J. Avalos, Mark D. Montague, Alan H. Barr, Russell E. Jacobs, and Scott E. Fraser. Goal-directed Optimization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In Neuroscience Abstracts, November 1998. (bibtex: Laidlaw-1998-GOM). |
[Laidlaw and Tyszka, 1998] David H. Laidlaw and J. Michael Tyszka. Evaluating Numerical Methods for Blood Pressure MRI. In Laverna Titus Young Investigators forum, May 1998. (bibtex: Laidlaw-1998-ENM). |
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[Laidlaw, 1998] David H. Laidlaw. On the Optimality of Partial Volume Classification Methods: Voxel Histogram Classification vs. Eigenimage Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 17(6):1094-1096, December 1998. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1998-OPV). |
1997 | |
[Laidlaw et al., 1997] David H. Laidlaw, Alan M. Barr, and Russell E. Jacobs. Goal-directed Magnetic Resonance Brain Micro-imaging. In Neuroinformatics: An Overview of the Human Brain Project, chapter 6, pages 125-202. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 1997. (bibtex: Laidlaw-1997-GDM). |
1995 | |
[Ghosh et al., 1995] Pratik Ghosh, David H. Laidlaw, Kurt W. Fleischer, Alan Barr, and Russell E. Jacobs. Pure Phase-Encoded MRI and Classification of Solids. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 14(3):608-615, 1995. (pdf) (bibtex: Ghosh-1995-PPM). |
[Laidlaw, 1995] David H. Laidlaw. Bayesian Mixture Classification of MRI Data for Geometric Modeling and Visualization . In abstract and poster for International Workshop on Mixtures, September 1995. (bibtex: Laidlaw-1995-BMC). |
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[Laidlaw, 1995] David H. Laidlaw. Geometric Model Extraction from Magnetic Resonance Volume Data. PhD thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1995. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-1995-GME). |
1990 | |
[Kirk et al., 1990] David B. Kirk, David H. Laidlaw, and Alan H. Barr. Registration and Computational Staining of Multiple MRI Data Sets. In Proceedings of AUSGRAPH 1990, September 1990. (bibtex: Kirk-1990-RCS). |
2005 | |
[Simon, 2005] Jack H. Simon. MRI in Multiple Sclerosis. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, 2005. In Press (pdf) (bibtex: Simon-2005-MRI). |
[Simon, 2005] Jack H. Simon. Update on Multiple Sclerosis. Radiology Clinics of North America, 2005. In Press (pdf) (bibtex: Simon-2005-UMS). |
2001 | |
[Simon et al., 2001] Jack H. Simon, L. Jacobs, and R.P. Kinkel. Transcallosal bands: a sign of neuronal tract degeneration in early MS? Neurology, 57(10):1888-90, November 2001. (bibtex: Simon-2001-TBS). |
2000 | |
[Simon et al., 2000] Jack H. Simon, R.P. Kinkel, L. Jacobs, L. Bub, and N. Simonian. A Wallerian degeneration pattern in patients at risk for MS. Neurology, 54(5):1155-60, March 2000. (bibtex: Simon-2000-WDP). |
1998 | |
[Simon et al., 1998] Jack H. Simon, L.D. Jacobs, M. Campion, K. Wende, N. Simonian, D.L. Cookfair, R.A. Rudick, R.M. Herndon, J.R. Richert, A.M. Salazar, J.J. Alam, J.S. Fischer, D.E. Goodkin, C.V. Granger, M. Lajaunie, A.L. Martens-Davidson, M.J. Meyer, J. Sheeder, K. Choi, A.L. Scherzinger, D.M. Bartoszak, D.N. Bourdette, J. Braiman, C.M. Brownscheidle, M.E. Coats, S.L. Cohan, D.S. Dougherty, R.P. Kinkel, M.K. Mass, F.E. Munschauer, R.L. Priore, P.M. Pullicino, B.J. Scherokman, B. Weinstock-Guttman, R.H. Whitham, and The Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group (MSCRG). Magnetic Resonance Studies of Intramuscular r-Interferon Beta-1a for Relapsing Magnetic Resonance Studies of Intramuscular r-Interferon Beta-1a for Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis. Annals of Neurology, 43:79-87, 1998. (bibtex: Simon-1998-MRS). |
2008 | |
[cad et al., 2008] cad, GregoryShakhnarovich, sz, and dhl. A slicing-based coherence measure for clusters of DTI integral curves. In Proceedings of MICCAI, 2008. In Review (pdf) (bibtex: Demiralp-2008-SBC). |
2006 | |
[Ennis and Kindlmann, 2006] Daniel B. Ennis and Gordon Kindlmann. Orthogonal Tensor Invariants and the Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55:136-146, 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Ennis-2006-OTI). |
[Thottakara et al., 2006] Paul Thottakara, Mariana Lazar, Sterling C. Johnson, and Andrew L. Alexander. Application of Brodmann's area templates for ROI selection in white matter tractography studies. NeuroImage, 29(3):868-878, February 2006. (pdf) (bibtex: Thottakara-2006-ABA). |
2005 | |
[Ffytche and Catani, 2005] Dominic H. Ffytche and Marco Catani. Beyond localization: from Hodology to Function. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 360:767-779, April 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Ffytche-2005-BLH). |
[Jones et al., 2005] Derek K. Jones, Adam R. Travis, Greg Eden, Carlo Pierpaoli, and Peter Basser. PASTA: Pointwise Assessment of Streamline Tractography Attributes. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 53:1462-1467, 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Jones-2005-PPA). |
[Moffat et al., 2005] Bradford A. Moffat, Thomas L. Chenevert, Theodore S. Lawrence, Charles R. Meyer, Timothy D. Johnson, Qian Dong, Christina Tsien, Suresh Mukherji, Douglas J. Quint, Stephen S. Gebarski, Patricia L. Robertson, Larry R. Junck, Alnawaz Rehemtulla, and Brian D. Ross. Functional diffusion map: A noninvasive MRI biomarker for early stratification of clinical brain tumor response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(15):5524-5529, April 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Moffat-2005-FDM). |
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[Farkas et al., 2004] Eszter Farkas, Gergely Donka, Rob A. I. de Vos, Andras Mihaly, Ferenc Bari, and Paul G. M. Luiten. Experimental cerebral hypoperfusion induces white matter injury and microglial activation in the rat brain. Acta Neuropathol, 108:57-64, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Farkas-2004-ECH). |
[Field et al., 2004] A.S. Field, A.L. Alexander, Y.C. Wu, K.M. Hasan, B. Witwer, and B. Badie. Diffusion tensor eigenvector directional color imaging patterns in the evaluation of cerebral white matter tracts altered by tumor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 20:555-562, 2004. (bibtex: Field-2004-DTE). |
[Ge et al., 2004] Y. Ge, M. Law, G. Johnson, J. Herbert, J. S. Babb, L.J. Mannon, and R.I. Grossman. Preferential Occult Injury of Corpus Callosum in Multiple Sclerosis Measured by Diffusion Tensor Imaging. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging, 20(1):1-7, July 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Ge-2004-POI). |
[Johnson and Hansen, 2004] Christopher R. Johnson and Charles D. Hansen. Visualization Handbook. Academic Press, June 2004. (bibtex: Johnson-2004-VHA). |
[Laidlaw et al., 2004] David Laidlaw, Eric Ahrens, John Allman, and Mark Bastin. MRI+DTI-Based Tools for Analyzing White Matter Variation. NIH grant proposal, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2004-DTI). |
[NIH, 2004] NIH. Review for Grant Proposal: MRI+DTI-Based Tools for Analyzing White Matter Variation, 2004. Unpublished (pdf) (bibtex: NIH-2004-DTI). |
[Vilanova et al., 2004] A. Vilanova, G. Berenschot, and C. van Pul. DTI Visualization with Streamsurfaces and Evenly-Spaced Volume Seeding. In VisSym '04 Joint Eurographics—I.E.E.E. T.C.V.G. Symposium on Visualization, Conference Proceedings, pages 173-182, 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Vilanova-2004-DTI). |
2003 | |
[Ding et al., 2003] Song-Lin Ding, Robert J. Morecraft, and Gary W. Van Hoesen. Topography, Cytoarchitecture, and Cellular Phenotypes of Cortical Areas That Form the Cingulo-Parahippocampal Isthmus and Adjoining Retrocalcarine Areas in the Monkey. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 456(2):184-201, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Ding-2003-TCC). |
[Koshibu et al., 2003] K. Koshibu, P. Levitt, and Eric T. Ahrens. Sex-specific post-puberty changes in mouse brain structures revealed by three-dimensional magentic resonance microscopy. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2003. (bibtex: Koshibu-2003-SPC). |
[Morecraft and Hoesen, 2003] R.J. Morecraft and G.W. Van Hoesen. Functional Neuroanatomy of Limbic Structures and Some Relationships with Prefrontal Cortex. In Neuropsychiatry, 2nd Ed., pages 294-327. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003. (bibtex: Morecraft-2003-FNL). |
[T. E. J. et al., 2003] T. E. J. Behrens, H. Johansen-Berg, M. W. Woolrich, S. M. Smith, C. A. M. Wheeler-Kingshott, P. A. Boulby, G. J. Barker, E. L. Sillery, K. Sheehan, O. Ciccarelli, A. J. Thompson, J. M. Brady, and P. M. Matthews. Non-invasive Mapping of Connections between Human Thalamus and Cortex using Diffusion Imaging. Nature Neuroscience, 6(7):750-757, July 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Behrens-2003-NMC). |
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[Wolkin et al., 2003] Adam Wolkin, Steven J. Choi, Sandor Szilagyi, Michael Sanfilipo, John P. Rotrosen, and Kelvin O. Lim. Inferior Frontal White Matter Anisotropy and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160:572-574, 2003. (pdf) (bibtex: Wolkin-2003-IFW). |
2002 | |
[Ahrens et al., 2002] Eric T. Ahrens, P.T. Narasimhan, T. Nakada, and Russell E. Jacobs. Small animal neuro-imaging using Magnetic resonance microscopy. Prog. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sp., 4:275, 2002. (bibtex: Ahrens-2002-SAN). |
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[Beaulieu, 2002] Christian Beaulieu. The Basis of Anisotropic Water Diffusion in the Nervous System—A Technical Review. NMR in Biomedicine, 15:435-455, 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: Beaulieu-2002-BAW). |
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