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Michael Kirby, PhD 2003

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[Laidlaw et al., 2005]
David H. Laidlaw, Michael Kirby, Cullen Jackson, J. Scott Davidson, Timothy Miller, Marco DaSilva, William Warren, and Michael Tarr. Comparing 2D vector field visualization methods: A user study. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11(1):59-70, January-February 2005. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2005-CVF).


[Kirby et al., 2004]
Michael Kirby, Daniel Keefe, and David H. Laidlaw. Painting and Visualization. In Visualization Handbook. Academic Press, June 2004. (pdf) (bibtex: Kirby-2004-PAV).


[Kirby, 2002]
Michael Kirby. Dynamic Spectral/hp Refinement: Algorithms and Applications to Flow-Structure Interactions. PhD thesis, Brown University, Division of Applied Mathematics, 2002. (bibtex: Kirby-2002-DSR).


[Laidlaw et al., 2001]
David H. Laidlaw, Michael Kirby, J. Scott Davidson, Timothy Miller, Marco DaSilva, William Warren, and Michael Tarr. Quantitative Comparative Evaluation of 2D Vector Field Visualization Methods. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2001, pages 143-150. IEEE, October 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Laidlaw-2001-QCE).


[Forsberg et al., 2000]
Andrew Forsberg, Michael Kirby, David H. Laidlaw, George Karniadakis, Andries van Dam, and Jonathan L. Elion. Immersive Virtual Reality for Visualizing Flow Through an Artery. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2000, pages 457-460. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Forsberg-2000-IVR).


[Kirby et al., 1999]
Michael Kirby, H. Marmanis, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing Multivalued Data from 2D Incompressible Flows Using Concepts from Painting. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 1999, pages 333-340, 1999. (pdf) (bibtex: Kirby-1999-VMD).
[Kirby et al., 1999]
Michael Kirby, T. C. Warburton, S. J. Sherwin, A. Beskok, and George Karniadakis. The NEKTAR Code: Dynamic Simulations without Remeshing. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Technologies for Fluid/Thermal/Chemical Systems with Industrial Applications, 1999. (bibtex: Kirby-1999-TNC).
[Lomtev et al., 1999]
I. Lomtev, Michael Kirby, and George Karniadakis. A Discontinuous Galerkin ALE method for viscous compressible flows in moving domains. Journal of Computational Physics, 155:128-159, 1999. (bibtex: Lomtev-1999-DGA).
Page Owner: Steven Gomez Last Modified: Thu Sep 26 18:07:37 2013