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ISVREngine.H File Reference

InSpace VR Engine - A subclass that utilizes glut, vrjuggler, cavelib, or some other GL window handling library can be used to open windows and provide GL callbacks to InSpace applications. More...

#include "ISApp.H"
#include "StatusBar.H"
#include "WallClockInt.H"
#include <mlib/points.H>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  InSpace



Detailed Description

InSpace VR Engine - A subclass that utilizes glut, vrjuggler, cavelib, or some other GL window handling library can be used to open windows and provide GL callbacks to InSpace applications.

Daniel Keefe (dfk)

Define Documentation


Generated on Thu Jul 8 15:19:29 2004 for inspace by doxygen 1.3.4