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Daniel Grollman's CS237 Bibliography

Author: Daniel Grollman

[Karelitz et al., 2003]
David Karelitz, Daniel Keefe, and David H. Laidlaw. Using CavePainting to Create Scientific Visualizations. Technical Report CS-03-26, Master's Project, Computer Science Department, Brown University, Providence, RI, 2003. (pdf) (ppt) (bibtex: Karelitz-2003-UCT).
[Boerner, 2002]
Boerner. Twin Worlds: Augmenting, Evaluating, and Studying Three-Dimensional Digital Cities and their Evolving Communities. School of Library and Information Science, 2002. (pdf) (bibtex: Boerner-2002-TWA).
[Lindemann-vonTrzebiatowski and Munch, 2001]
Lindemann-vonTrzebiatowski and Munch. The Role Concept for Agents in MultiAgent Systems, 2001. (pdf) (bibtex: Lindemann-2001-TRC).
[Heitsch et al., 2000]
Heitsch, Koehler, Martens, and Moldt. High-level Petri Nets for a Model of Organizational Decision Making. CiteSeer, 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Heitsch-2000-HPN).
[Koehler et al., 2000]
Koehler, Langer, Moldt, and Roelke. Combining the Sociological Theory of Bourdieu with Multi Agent Systems. In Proceedings of MASHO, 2000. (pdf) (bibtex: Koehler-2000-STB).
[Raftery, 1999]
Raftery. Statistics in Sociology, 1950-2000: A Vignette. Unpublished (pdf) (bibtex: Raftery-1999-SSA), 1999.
[Rissanen and Ristad, 1992]
Rissanen and Ristad. Unsupervised Classification with Stochastic Complexity. In US/Japan Conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Modeling, 1992. (pdf) (bibtex: Rissanen-1992-UCS).
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