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How to use Visweb.

1. How do I add a new document?
2. How do I create a reading list?
3. Where do I search for research papers?
4. How do I create a new FAQ entry?
5. How do I update or create other entries in Visweb?

1. How do I add a new document?

1.- Create, on a piece of paper, the entry name for your document. The entry name format is as follows:


For example, for the paper 'Information Visualization and Visual Data Mining' by Daniel A. Keim, published in 2002, the VISWEB entry file would be named:


The acronym uses the first 3 words, whatever they are (even numbers).

2.- To add a publication go to http://web-int/research/vis/input/doc.html

FOR AN INTERNAL PUBLICATION: select "Publication" as the type. FOR A NON_BROWN PUBLICATION: select "Bibliography"

Enter the entry key for the document and press "Continue". If the document already exists, you will be able to modify it. If it does not, you will need to enter its information.

3.- Enter the information for the document into the form. If you want to add the document to a reading list, check the box for that list. If not, leave all boxes unchecked. Fill in all required bibliography fields (required fields will be marked with *). If you have files for the document in any of the listed formats already on the system, enter the full path to those files and they will be copied to the web directory. (This may take a while for large files.)

4.- Run viswebupdate.

5.- You can place a representative image of the document in /pro/web/web/research/vis/images/thumbs/. This should be a small, thumbnail-sized image that can be displayed next to the title of the document. It should be a jpg file named something like Keim-2002-IVA_thumb.jpg. If no images are provided and the document has a pdf file, they will be created automatically from the first page of the document. They can be changed in the /thumbs directory as long as the filenames remain the same. They will NOT be 'auto-created' for other document formats.

You are all set. Your new entry will be in in the list you added it to (if you added it to a list).


Email me with problems and suggestions at


2. How do I create a reading list?

To create a list for yourself go to


Create a txt file with a new name: foo.txt The files in this directory contain lists of references, either publications (PUBS), bibliography (BIB), or faqs (FAQ). For each entry you need to create a corresponding file in the corresponding directory under /map/gfx0/common/visweb/.

Each entry is created in a separate file. The naming convention is as follows:


For example, for the paper 'Information Visualization and Visual Data Mining' by Daniel A. Keim, published in 2002, the VISWEB entry file would be named:


The acronym uses the first 3 words, whatever they are (even numbers).

See the first question for help adding new documents to Visweb.

An example list file looks like this:

TITLE: Test Mixed stuff
AUTHOR: $daf

Nice survey here.
Everything is very well explained.
Good references.
BIB: Gabbard-1997-TUC

I didn't like the approach taken here.
BIB: Poupon-2000-TIF
PUB: Cooper-2002-BVP

# I don't if I should include this paper in this list BIB: Kasik-2002-EGD
PUB: Forsberg-2000-IVR
FAQ: Acevedo:2002:VEF
FAQ: Laidlaw:2002:SWE
FAQ: LaViola:2002:VR2
FAQ: Laidlaw:2002:FAR

You can comment stuff out by placing a # at the beginning of a line. If there's no #, that line is assumed to provide a comment for the next reference in the list. Those comments can be multiline, but they will be joined in a single line for display on the webpage, so KEEP THEM SHORT.

Once you have created the list file (example above) and the corresponding entries in faq/, bib/, or pubs/, you need add interesting info to link from those entries.

If you created a BIB entry for a nice paper you just found, copy the pdf file into the bib/pdf directory following the naming convention of the VISWEB entry, which is basically just adding .pdf to the reference name. For the example entry above, the pdf would be named Keim-2002-IVA.pdf

If you don't have anything for an entry (no pdf, no txt, no ps, nothing) you can still create the entry and add the reference later.

If there is no directory for the paper format you have, let me know and I'll make one for you (

All FAQs must be created in txt format at this point. You can have links in them, since they get converted into html.

Updating VISWEB

Once you have added or changed everything you wanted, run "viswebupdate". ($G/shared/bin/viswebupdate). You should be on a linux machine to do this. If you are not, the script will attempt to ssh into one.

Make sure your umask is set to 002, so that the new files created will be readable.

Your new stuff should show up now at

If errors show up, review the syntax of your entries and the names of your files. Make sure everything fits together.

Problems: email


3. Where do I search for research papers?

If you are searching for papers or publications, here are some usefull links.

For general searches:

For psychology/perception papers:


4. How do I create a new FAQ entry?

If you want to add a question to an existing FAQ listing, edit the appropriate file in /map/gfx0/common/visweb/faqs/ and add a new QUESTION to the file. Follow the format in there.

If you want to create a new listing run

createviswebfaq listing-one-word-description-goes-here

Then edit the file


Follow the format of the other files in the directory and add a line at the end that says 'ENDFAQ: DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE'. See the how it is in other files in that directory.


5. How do I update or create other entries in Visweb?

Go to http://web-int/research/vis/input/home.html. (This only works from web-int, not from Select the thing you want to update, and follow the instructions on the pages to update or add the entry. Once you have finished updating, run viswebupdate to get your changes to show up on the web.

Page Owner: Daniel Acevedo Feliz Last Modified: Tue Sep 20 13:40:47 2005