GetErrorBins.m File Reference

This function takes two sets of corresponding point pairs as input and produces a binned error histogram. Currently, there are eight pre-defined bins: < 0.05 pixels, < 0.1, < 0.15, < 0.2, < 0.25, < 0.5, < 1.0, and >= 1.0. This can be made more flexible in the future. More...


finalInput, finalBase GetErrorBins ()

Detailed Description

This function takes two sets of corresponding point pairs as input and produces a binned error histogram. Currently, there are eight pre-defined bins: < 0.05 pixels, < 0.1, < 0.15, < 0.2, < 0.25, < 0.5, < 1.0, and >= 1.0. This can be made more flexible in the future.

Function Documentation

finalInput, finalBase GetErrorBins (  )  [virtual]

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