CreateControlPoints.m File Reference

This m-file is in charge of marching through the grid image, extracting centroids from each of the cells and computing the corresponding location of each centroid in the idealized, reconstructed space. More...


I, level, cellSize, dY, dX,
CreateControlPoints ()
cp, centroids, six, dY,
...dX, dOffY 
getPts6 ()
cp, centroids adj4Cells ()
cp, centroids adjCells ()
angles ycheck ()
I, level, minSize removeSmalls ()
cp, centroids, four, dY getPts4 ()

Detailed Description

This m-file is in charge of marching through the grid image, extracting centroids from each of the cells and computing the corresponding location of each centroid in the idealized, reconstructed space.

Function Documentation

cp,centroids adj4Cells (  )  [virtual]

cp,centroids adjCells (  )  [virtual]

I, level, cellSize, dY, dX, dOffY CreateControlPoints (  )  [virtual]

cp,centroids,four, dY getPts4 (  )  [virtual]

cp,centroids,six, dY, ...dX, dOffY getPts6 (  )  [virtual]

I, level, minSize removeSmalls (  )  [virtual]

angles ycheck (  )  [virtual]

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