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Johannes Novotny, Phd 2021






[Novotny and Laidlaw, 2024]
Johannes Novotny and David H. Laidlaw. Evaluating Text Reading Speed in VR Scenes and 3D Particle Visualizations. 2024. (pdf) (bibtex: Novotny-2024-ETR).


[Cieri et al., 2021]
RL Cieri, ML Turner, RM Carney, PL Falkingham, AM Kirk, T Wang, B Jensen, Johannes Novotny, Joshua Tveite, SM Gatesy, et al. Virtual and augmented reality: New tools for visualizing, analyzing, and communicating complex morphology. Journal of Morphology, 282(12):1785--1800, 2021. (bibtex: Cieri-2021-VAR).
[Yang et al., 2021]
Fumeng Yang, Jing Qian, Johannes Novotny, David Badre, Cullen Jackson, and David H. Laidlaw. A Virtual Reality Memory Palace Variant Aids Knowledge Retrieval from Scholarly Articles. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. (pdf) (bibtex: Yang-2021-VRM).


[Hatala et al., 2020]
KG Hatala, PL FalkinghamL, S Megherhi, DA Perry, S Cheleden, Johannes Novotny, David H. Laidlaw, and SM Gatesy. Merging biplanar X-ray, 3-D animation, particle simulation, and virtual reality to understand 3-D foot dynamics on deformable substrates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(S69), 2020. (pdf) (bibtex: Hatala-2020-MBX).
[Yang et al., 2020]
Fumeng Yang, Jing Qian, Johannes Novotny, David Badre, Cullen Jackson, and David H. Laidlaw. A Virtual Reality Memory Palace Variant Aids Knowledge Retrieval from Scholarly Articles. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. (pdf) (bibtex: Yang-2020-VRM).


[Novotny et al., 2019]
Johannes Novotny, Joshua Tveite, Morgan L. Turner, Stephen Gatesy, Fritz Drury, Peter Falkingham, and David H. Laidlaw. Developing Virtual Reality Visualizations for Unsteady Flow Analysis of Dinosaur Track Formation using Scientific Sketching. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(5):2145--2154, May 2019. (pdf) (bibtex: Novotny-2019-DVR).
[Turner et al., 2019]
ML Turner, Johannes Novotny, PL Falkingham, David H. Laidlaw, and SM Gatesy. Where Does Footprint Morphology Come from? Developing Virtual Reality Visualizations for Exploring Dinosaur Track Formation. Journal of Morphology, Abstracts from 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 280:S70--S70, 2019. (bibtex: Turner-2019-WDF).


[Novotny et al., 2018]
Johannes Novotny, Wesley R. Miller, Francois I Luks, Derek Merck, Scott Collins, and David H. Laidlaw. Towards Placental Surface Vasculature Exploration in Virtual Reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2018. (pdf) (bibtex: Novotny-2018-TPS).
[Novotny et al., 2018]
Johannes Novotny, Joshua Tveite, Morgan L. Turner, Stephen Gatesy, Fritz Drury, Peter Falkingham, and David H. Laidlaw. [Poster] Developing Virtual Reality Visualizations for Unsteady Flow Analysis of Dinosaur Track Formation using Scientific Sketching. In Proceedings of IEEE Vis (Posters). IEEE, 2018. (pdf) (bibtex: Novotny-2018-DVR).


[Lages et al., 2016]
Wallace S Lages, Bireswar Laha, Wesley R. Miller, Johannes Novotny, David H. Laidlaw, John J Socha, and Doug A Bowman. Effects of field of regard and stereoscopy and the validity of MR simulation for visual analysis of scientific data. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality, pages 215--216. IEEE, 2016. (bibtex: Lages-2016-EFR).
Page Owner: David Laidlaw Last Modified: Fri Feb 2 16:44:51 2024