QUICK UPDATE GUIDE: =================== 1.- Create, on a piece of paper, the entry name for you document. The entry name format is as follows: Lastname:YEAR:3_LETTER_ACRONYM For example, for the paper 'Information Visualization and Visual Data Mining' by Daniel A. Keim, published in 2002, the VISWEB entry file would be named: Keim:2002:IVA The acronym uses the first 3 words, whatever they are (even numbers). ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.- To add a publication run: FOR AN INTERNAL PUBLICATION: addviswebpub FOR A NON_BROWN PUBLICATION: addviswebbib can be found in /map/gfx0/common/visweb/lists (NOTE on possible ERROR messages: If it gives an error run /map/gfx0/tools/shared/bin/viswebupdate. Follow the instructions to setup the needed 'gfxtools' environment variables. Email me daf@cs.brown.edu if you have trouble. YOU NEED TO DO THIS BEFORE PROCEEDING FARTHER.) (If it asks for confirmation to overwrite a file, that means someone else already created the entry. Respond NO (or 'n') to avoid overwritting and proceed with step 3) ---------------------------------------------------------- 3.- Open, in emacs or any other editor, the file named: /map/gfx0/common/visweb/pubs/ or /map/gfx0/common/visweb/bib/ ---------------------------------------------------------- 4.- Modify the first 4 fields:DOCTYPE, ADDED-BY, DATE-ADDED, STATUS and YEAR, following the examples provided. DOCTYPE should be one of the following: article book booklet conference inbook incollection inproceedings manual mastersthesis misc phdthesis proceedings techreport unpublished (use 'misc' if you don't know) STATUS should be one of the following: published inreview inpress unpublished unknown Fill out the rest of the fields depending upon what you know about the document. You don't need to fill them all out. You can fill in the THEME field with one or more (separated by 'and') of the following: vr medicine natural perception tech art IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure not to leave any blank spaces at the end of the THEME or PROJECT entries. The explanation for each on of this can be found in http://www.cs.brown.edu/research/vis/lists/themes.html ---------------------------------------------------------- 5.- If you have a pdf file for the document, run: addviswebpdf Use 'addviswebps', 'addviswebppt', 'addviswebtxt', 'addviswebdoc', etc. for any other file types. ---------------------------------------------------------- 6.- Run viswebupdate. ---------------------------------------------------------- You are all set. Your new entry will be in http://www.cs.brown.edu/research/vis/lists/home.html in the list you added it to. Enjoy! Email me with problems and suggestions at daf@cs.brown.edu