NAME: Programming Help QUESTION: What debugging tools are there in linux? Checkout this publication for a recent survey: PROGRAM DEBUGGING AND PERFORMANCE TOOLS ======================================= gdb to attach to a running program: $> gdb progname pid ddd graphical debugger totalview graphical debugger gprof where a program spends its time strace watch all syscalls a program makes if you didn't write the program, this is probably your best bet time summarize system resource usage (real,user,sys) gcov profiling tool .. frequency of lines executed (example: 1. gcc -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage x.c 2. a.out 3. gcov x.c 4. cat x.c.gcov) memprof memory profiling (gui) valgrind memory debugger ccmalloc memory profiling Electric Fence (compile with -lefence) - use for memory overruns leak-analyze & LeakCheck - memory usage debugger mpatrol & mptrace - debugging for dynamically allocated memory SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS TOOLS ================================= vmstat virtual memory statistics free display free and used memory top disply top cpu processes files in /proc files used as interface to kernel data structures examples: cpuinfo,stat procinfo display system status - gathered from /proc ps report process status ksysguard Task Manager and Performance Monitor like windows performance monitor (process table and histogram of system load, memory) sysstat sar system activity information iostat CPU and I/O stats mpstat Processor related stats NETWORK ======= ping send echo request to network host netstat print net connections, routing tables, etc. traceroute print the route to a network host ENDFAQ: DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE