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BBOX< P, V > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BBOX< P, V >, including all inherited members.
_maxBBOX< P, V > [protected]
_minBBOX< P, V > [protected]
_validBBOX< P, V > [protected]
BBOX()BBOX< P, V > [inline]
BBOX(const P &l, const P &h)BBOX< P, V > [inline]
BBOX(const BBOX< P, V > &b)BBOX< P, V > [inline]
center() constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
contains(const P &p) constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
dim() constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
max() constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
min() constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
operator+=(const BBOX< P, V > &b)BBOX< P, V > [inline]
operator<<(ostream &os, const BBOX< P, V > &b)BBOX< P, V > [friend]
operator==(const BBOX< P, V > &bb) constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
overlaps(const BBOX< P, V > &bbox) constBBOX< P, V > [inline]
reset()BBOX< P, V > [inline]
update(const P &p)BBOX< P, V > [inline]
valid() constBBOX< P, V > [inline]

Generated on Mon Sep 15 16:25:59 2003 for gluebase by doxygen1.2.18