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00001 #ifndef GLUE_2DTOBTNFILTER_H
00002 #define GLUE_2DTOBTNFILTER_H
00004 #define OUTSIDE_GLUE_CORE
00006 #include "event/event.H"
00007 #include "dev/dev.H"
00008 #include "dev/dev2d.H"
00009 #include "dev/buttons.H"
00010 #include "mlib/points.H"
00011 #include <math.h>
00012 #include "config/config.H"
00014 //#define M_PI 3.14159265358
00015 class twodtobtnFilter:public EVENTfilter
00016 {
00017 protected:
00018   str_ptr _name;
00019   str_ptr _btnleft;
00020   str_ptr _btnright;
00021   str_ptr _btnup;
00022   str_ptr _btndown;
00023   str_ptr _btncenter;
00024   str_ptr _dev2d;
00025   double _distance;
00026   int _prevState;
00027 public:
00028   twodtobtnFilter(str_ptr name):_name(name){
00029     _btnleft=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_left"),"left",true);
00030     _btnright=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_right"),"right",true);
00031     _btnup=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_up"),"up",true);
00032     _btndown=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_down"),"down",true);
00033     _btncenter=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_center"),"center",true);
00035     _dev2d=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_2d"),"",true);
00037     _distance=CONFIGval(_name+str_ptr("_distance"),0.5,false);
00038     _prevState=-1;
00039   }
00041   EVENTptr filter(cEVENTptr &evt){
00042     //cout << "have an event\n";
00043     //cout.flush();
00044     if (EVENT2d::isa(evt)){
00045       //cout << "it's a 2d event\n";
00046       //cout.flush();
00047       EVENT2dptr e2d=EVENT2d::cast(evt);
00048       if (e2d){
00049     if (e2d->source()->evt_name()==_dev2d){
00050       //cout << "it's our event\n";
00051       //cout.flush();
00052       //find out the current position
00053       XYpt cur=e2d->cur();
00054       int new_state;
00055       if (hypot(cur[0],cur[1])>_distance){
00056         //see what quadrant its in by doing atan2
00057         double angle=atan2(cur[1],cur[0]);
00058         if (angle>=-3*M_PI/4.0 && angle<=-M_PI/4.0){
00059           new_state=1;
00060         }else if (angle>-M_PI/4.0 && angle<=M_PI/4.0){
00061           new_state=2;
00062         }else if (angle >M_PI/4.0 && angle<=3*M_PI/4.0){
00063           new_state=3;
00064         }else{
00065           new_state=4;
00066         }
00067       }else{
00068         new_state=0;
00069       }
00071       //now sort out what to do
00072       if (new_state!=_prevState){
00073         //send out up event for old button
00074         switch(_prevState){
00075         case(0):
00076           EVENTmgr::distrib(new EVENTbtn(_btncenter,false));
00077           break;
00078         case(1):
00079           EVENTmgr::distrib(new EVENTbtn(_btndown,false));
00080           break;
00081         case(2):
00082           EVENTmgr::distrib(new EVENTbtn(_btnright,false));
00083           break;
00084         case(3):
00085           EVENTmgr::distrib(new EVENTbtn(_btnup,false));
00086           break;
00087         case(4):
00088           EVENTmgr::distrib(new EVENTbtn(_btnleft,false));
00089           break;
00090         }
00092         //send out new event
00093         _prevState=new_state;
00094         switch(_prevState){
00095         case(0):
00096           return new EVENTbtn(_btncenter,true);
00097           break;
00098         case(1):
00099           return new EVENTbtn(_btndown,true);
00100           break;
00101         case(2):
00102           return new EVENTbtn(_btnright,true);
00103           break;
00104         case(3):
00105           return new EVENTbtn(_btnup,true);
00106           break;
00107         case(4):
00108           return new EVENTbtn(_btnleft,true);
00109           break;
00110         }
00111       }
00113     }else{
00114       //we do nothing since no change in buttons
00115     }
00117       }else {
00118     //cout << "not our 2d\n";
00119     return evt;
00120       }
00121     }
00122     //cout << "not a 2d\n";
00123     return evt;  
00124   }
00125 };
00128 #endif

Generated on Mon Sep 15 16:25:56 2003 for gluebase by doxygen1.2.18