- Go to the directory that has your source in it.
- Delete or move away anything you don't want to go in cvs, if you
already have something compiled there, do "make clean" to get rid of the
object files - you don't want to put them in CVS. In general, just
leave the Makefile and the source files.
- If you have any binary files, like images that you want to go in
CVS, move them out of this directory temporarily, we will add them
later because CVS requires non-text files to be added with a special
- Run the following command, replacing projectname with the name
you want your project to have - that will become a new directory under
gfxprojinit projectname .
Note, there is a period at
the end of that command, it might be hard to see.
- If you had some binary files you wanted to add to CVS like images
that you load up in your program. For each file: 1. copy the file to
$G/src/projectname 2. from within the $G/src/projectname directory run
the command:
cvs add -kb filename
Then, after adding all
the files, run
cvs commit -m "i just added a bunch of image files"
The -m signifies a commit message for cvs. See cvs documentation for
more info on cvs.
- Your project should have been automatically added to the $G/src directory
on the filesystem you are on now. To get it in the $G/src directory somewhere else, like at the Cave, run this command from within $G/src:
cvs update -d projectname