Getting Started Using $G

  1. Add this to your .cshrc, .tcshrc, or equivalent shell startup file to correctly setup $G whenever you start a shell:
    foreach d (/cygdrive/c/gfx /cygdrive/d/gfx /map/gfx0 /share/gfx)
      if (-r $d/tools/gfxtools-startup-csh) then
        source $d/tools/gfxtools-startup-csh
    OR, if you use bash as your shell, add this to your .bash_profile startup file.
    for d in /cygdrive/c/gfx /cygdrive/d/gfx /map/gfx0 /share/gfx
      if [ -r $d/tools/gfxtools-startup-bash ] 
        source $d/tools/gfxtools-startup-bash
    Now, start a new shell. You should be able to cd $G, and everything in $G/bin should now be in your PATH, so you can run any of the demos there.

    Look at the tutorials on the main page for more info on getting your projects working with $G.

  2. Now that you're using $G, sign up for the $G users mailing list.

Windows XP Note: Cygwin is required to run $G under Windows XP. Start your cygwin shell with the $G/bin/cygwin-rxvt.bat batch file to make sure you have all the correct environment variables setup. If $G is installed locally, this will be in c:/gfx/tools/WIN32/bin. If $G is running from off the CS network, this will be in y:/gfx/tools/WIN32/bin. (By default Y: gets mapped to //maytag/map/gfx0 when you login.) If you are not on a tstaff managed windows machine, see the tutorial on installing cygwin for help with getting cygwin and $G setup on your machine.