NAME: Pottery Sherd Reassembly (2001-2002) BEGININTRO: This project addresses how to automatically reconstruct pottery vessels from a collection of sherds using a variety of features and their comparisons. To solve the problem, we designed a computational framework that is founded on the primitive operations of match proposal and evaluation. A match defines the geometric relationship between a pair of sherds. This framework affords a natural decomposition of the computation required by an automatic assembly process and provides a concrete basis to evaluate the utility of different features and feature comparisons for assembly. Pairwise matches are proposed and subsequently evaluated by a series of independent feature similarity modules. Assembly strategies are abstracted from the feature-specific sherd details and operate solely in terms of the probabilistic output of pair-wise proposals and evaluations. ENDINTRO: PIC1: sherds.jpg THEME: tech PUB: Cooper-2002-BVP PEOPLE: $stu PEOPLE: $fred_leymarie PEOPLE: $evote PEOPLE: $martha_joukowsky PEOPLE: $dhl PUB: Andrews-2002-TFA PUB: Cooper-2001-AVP